Obstetrics Gynecology – MD, MSC, MMSC, Phd – Fertility Specialist


Latest blog posts.

Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Vitamins you should take in the winter

With the temperature dropping and the sun hibernating, there’s no denying that winter is finally here—and with the season comes increased stress and strain on your immune system. Yep, it’s not just your imagination that you tend to get sick more often during the cold-weather months. While colds can strike at any time, they are more common in the fall and winter, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Flu activity also peaks between the months of December and February.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): What to expect

A hysterosalpingogram, also known as uterosalpingography, is a type of specialist X-ray used to examine the shape and structure of a woman’s uterus and fallopian tubes. It is most frequently used in fertility, as it can be part of the tests done to assess couples dealing with difficulties to conceive however is not always needed if the patients are going for an IVF procedure as this treatment bypasses the tubes completely.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

What is endometriosis?

You’ve probably heard it mentioned, but what exactly is endometriosis? The endometrium is another word for the lining of the womb that gets shed every month as period blood. Endometriosis is a condition where tissue cells similar to the type that grows inside the womb starts growing elsewhere in the body. These cells bleed as a reaction to the menstrual cycle every month, but as the blood is unable to leave the body it can cause a lot of serious pain, inflammation and the formation of scar tissue.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Sleep and Fertility

Trying to conceive a child isn’t always a walk in the park, and with many factors to take into consideration whilst trying to get pregnant, most women don’t realise that sleep can play a big part in the process. Fertility specialists recommend that women should aim to get between 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night to help boost their fertility levels.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Update for Lockdown #2

We are open!
As we head into another national lockdown, please note that our clinic will remain open for scheduled IVF cycles, for scheduled procedures or upcoming treatments. We are closely following the advice of Public Health Greece. Please note masks, hand sanding, temperature checks along with covid screening are all mandatory prior to appointments. If you would like to speak to any of our specialists for advice or support please contact us. We are here for you.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Egg Freezing

Up until a few decades back preserving one’s fertility was considered something that is seemingly impossible, but with the advancement of medical technology it is quite possible today through egg freezing. In case you are wondering what egg freezing is – it is a method of preserving a woman’s fertility so she can try and have children at a later date. Let’s delve a little deeper into what egg freezing is and how the process works.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Male Infertility

Male infertility refers to the inability of a men’s sperm to fertilize a woman’s egg. About 10% -15% of couples fall into the category of infertility or infertility. This means that for a long time (at least for a year), they have tried to conceive a child with normal and regular sexual intercourse, but without any success. In about half of these cases, the male factor is the cause of the absence of conception.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Knowlenge is Power!
The Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marked in countries across the world every October, helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this disease.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Flu vaccination for pregnant women essential this winter

Every year at this time of period, and especially this year through the Covid 19 pandemic, I strongly recommend that all pregnant women and midwives be vaccinated against the flu. Flu during pregnancy can cause serious problems and complications. Changes in immune, heart and lung function during pregnancy make you more vulnerable. Pregnant women with the flu are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill and in need of hospitalization and often have difficulty recovering.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Fertility Pharmacy

A speciality pharmacy dedicated to meeting the unique needs of people with fertility challenges.
Individual service for all UK patients of Garavelas Medical Group

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

How to Boost Your Fertility

When you’re ready to take the plunge into parenthood, there’s no way to predict exactly how soon you’ll see a positive pregnancy test.
If you’re in pretty good health, and having regular sex without birth control, you should expect to conceive in your first year of trying, says Dr. Garavelas Attanasio.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

What Kind Of Exercise Can I Do During IVF

Regular exercise should be a core component of anyone’s healthy lifestyle. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress, weight, and anxiety. And if you’ve read any (good) infertility blogs, you’ve surely come across a post or two recommending exercise and the maintenance of a healthy weight to achieve IVF success.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

How Fibroids Impact Fertility?

Uterine fibroids are common and can affect fertility in many ways. They can affect whether sperm and egg meet, they can affect whether an embryo can implant, they can affect whether a pregnancy can continue, and they can affect the growth and positioning of the baby.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Coronavirus infection and pregnancy

Information for pregnant women and their families These Q&As relate to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and pregnancy – guidance for healthcare professionals: Version 3 –

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Iron and pregnancy

Like all nutrients, iron plays a vital role during pregnancy. A baby’s growth requires iron and it is an important nutrient for normal cognitive (brain)

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Pregnancy and sleep

For most women, pregnancy is a time of great joy, excitement and anticipation. Unfortunately, for many it can also be a time of serious sleep

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Fertility and anxiety

The most important thing to know is that having anxiety does not stop you from being able to get pregnant. Many women think if they

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