Obstetrics Gynecology – MD, MSC, MMSC, Phd – Fertility Specialist


Garavelas Medical Group covers trending topics, information, and related stories regarding everything from trying to get pregnant to after your family is complete. With tips about nutrition, health, fitness, shopping and more, this blog covers all the steps of the fertility process. It is a lifestyle blog for everything related to fertility, pregnancy, and new parenthood.

For a more in-depth examination of the field of infertility, join Dr. Attanasio Garavelas as he writes about the medical and technical side of the family building process. With a focus on emerging technologies in the field of Assisted Reproductive Medicine, Fertility Treatment explanations, Tips for getting pregnant and more, the Dr. Attanasio Garavelas Blog is your best resource.

Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Egg cryopreservation

Cryopreservation of eggs is not a necessity, it is a choice.
For every woman, motherhood is a conscious choice and an inalienable right. However, fertility has time limits. Cryopreservation comes to provide the solution.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

For the first time in Greece, IOLIFE Embryology Lab can monitor the development of ALL embryos around the clock, using latest generation time-lapse embryo-scopes

As part of its commitment to continuous development, Institute of Life – IASO has acquired new medical technology, becoming the first Embryology Lab in Greece to be equipped with time-lapse embryoscopes. This major investment places Institute of Life – IASO among the leading Assisted Reproduction Units worldwide.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Egg cryopreservation

Egg cryopreservation is not a necessity it is a choice.
For every woman, motherhood is a conscious choice and an inalienable right. However, fertility has time limits. Cryopreservation comes to give the solution.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Your pregnancy checklist

You may not be pregnant yet, but there’s plenty you can do now to make yourself as healthy as possible for a growing baby. Consider this your preconception to-do list.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

What is a poor ovarian response and how is it treated?

• What is a poor ovarian response?
• Ovarian stimulation in poor respondents
• Which woman is described as a “poor respondent”?
• Can a poor ovarian response be predicted?
• Low ovarian potential – How do we deal with it?
• What is a poor ovarian response?

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Ways to increase your fertility after miscarriage

It’s normal to be concerned with your fertility after early miscarriage. Many couples want to try to conceive again right away, while others need time to heal. Ultimately, though, fertility following a miscarriage is an issue of concern for most couples. Once you are ready to start trying for a child again, there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

A new innovative technique

EMBRACE® is a new non-invasive test that helps identify fetuses who are more likely to be chromosomally correct without having a biopsy performed on the fetus. This information is especially important because it helps Clinical Embryologists select the embryos most likely to be implanted from the first embryo transfer attempt.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

What is a poor ovarian response and how is it treated?

The development and maturation of multiple follicles are essential for achieving IVF pregnancies.
A significant proportion of women, however, who undergo ovarian stimulation in addition to assisted reproduction do not adequately respond to standard ovarian stimulation protocols with a significantly reduced number of developing follicles.
These women are defined as “poor responders” and usually show reduced oocyte counts, low fertilization rates, poor fetal quality and, consequently, low pregnancy rates.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

The Best Diet to Improve Fertility

One in every 6 couples is affected by infertility and the World Health Organisation has declared it a global health issue. Of all cases of infertility, around 40% is linked to female factors, 40% to male factors, and 20% to unknown causes.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Egg cryopreservation

Nowadays the number of women who are faced with the prospect of infertility is increasing and the causes are multiple. The modern woman claims a more dynamic social role than in the past: she studies, makes a career, seeks financial independence. The priority in the professional career leads her to minimize the time of finding a partner and developing a meaningful relationship.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Sperm Freezing

Sperm Freezing or Sperm Cryopreservation is the process of preserving sperm cells for later use.
Cryopreservation of Sperm enables us to “freeze” time and in case of fertility for any reason, to have immediate availability of cryopreserved sperm.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

The Best Foods to Improve Male Fertility

Eating healthier foods can help increase sperm count, while chowing down on the not-so-healthy stuff may lower his numbers. If you and your partner are trying to conceive, a change in his eating habits may bring you closer to your goal of getting pregnant.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Low ovarian potential – How do we deal with it?

Recognizing an existing problem in a woman’s cycle, we proceed step by step to solve it, based on the latest scientific methods in the field of assisted reproduction.
The development and maturation of multiple follicles is crucial for achieving IVF pregnancies.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Male Infertility Treatments

Infertility has traditionally been thought of as a woman’s problem. But as it turns out, we men don’t get off that easily. About one out of every three cases of infertility is due to the man alone, and we’re somehow involved in infertility about half the time.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

How does sunshine and vitamin D affect your fertility levels?

Do you know that the word sunbathing is not accidental? The healing properties of the essential oils, have long been known in ancient times. But how does it positively affect your fertility?
Vitamin D is produced in our skin, through direct exposure to sunlight.
Research shows that both men and women experience an increase in their fertility from exposure to vitamin D.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Birth of a Second Child

The happiness and love that your first baby brought into your life is beyond measure, and now you’re expecting another child. Preparing can be as rewarding and special as the first time. But you’ll have some different things to consider as you await your second child, even though you’ve been through pregnancy and childbirth before.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

The best berries for a healthy pregnancy

The craving for different snacks during pregnancy can be for many different foods and it is often difficult to resist them. But many women also crave healthy foods such as fresh fruit. Berries, in particular, provide a good amount of complex carbohydrates with dense nutrients, which not only provide energy but can easily pass through the placenta to nourish your baby as he grows.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

Healthy Living and Reproduction

If you are thinking of getting pregnant, and especially if you are having difficulty conceiving, then one of your priorities should be to ensure a healthy lifestyle. You may be surprised to learn how strongly our lifestyle can affect the health of the reproductive system and the developing fetus. Taking care of our health before pregnancy consists in ensuring healthy eggs, healthy sperm, a normal fertilization process, and the normal development of the fetus.

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Dr. Athanasios Garavelas

24h Time-Lapse embryo monitoring

For the first time in Greece, our fully equipped Embryology laboratory has the ability to monitor on a 24-hour basis the development of ALL embryos with the latest generation Embryoscopes of Time Lapse technology
Aiming to provide excellent health services, we are entering a new era, being the only IVF Unit in Greece and one of the few in Europe that has the ability to cultivate all the embryos of the Unit in the new state-of-the-art Embryoscopes.

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